Are you new to Social Dancing? There are a few basic things you need to know!
Personal Hygiene
Brush your teeth everyday, twice preferably
Take bath everyday, twice preferably
Eat healthy
Drink a lot of water
Wash your clothes regularly
Wash your hands after using toilet
Wear a perfume or body spray. Too much isnt good either
Pop in a mouth freshener to avoid bad breath
Wash your socks to avoid foul smell
Groom yourself well, hair, beard, nails, etc.
Social etiquettes
Ask politely for a dance. Respect the person's choice whether they say yes or no.
Say "Thank you" at the end of the dance/partner change. Say "Thank you" back. Dont say 'welcome'.
If the person says NO for a request, do not ask them until they ask you back for that evening/night
Be aware of the space. Give space for yoy partner and for everyone else around you.
Drink & Dance is ok. Drunk & Dance is NOT ok.